Mean Girl to the Rescue!

How'm I gonna save the world when the world ain't ready?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Still more food nerdery

In April I discussed how I was going to participate in local community-supported agriculture this summer, and yesterday I brought home my first veggies (I could've opted for fruit and egg shares, too, but the fruit isn't organic, and the eggs make it difficult to carry everything home easily, plus I can get organic brown eggs for the same price at the market).

There was a bit of confusion initially, as I had intended on being part of the buying club and not the farm share, but it soon became evident that the buying club was an afterthought for this group. Different farms participate in different share programs, based on proximity, I guess, so this was a farm that was new to me. Luckily, a quick email got me in touch with someone who coordinates the whoile shebang, and I got a pro-rated partial share for the season, even though I was joining late (and they were technically full up).

It was totally worth it! My haul this week was "Farmer's Choice," and consisted of the following:

  1. Garlic scapes. I know, what? In short, they are the flower stalks of garlic plants, and you can use them much as you would chives or onion tops. You can also make them into a pretty green pesto. Cool!
  2. Red leaf lettuce. I'm already growing this in my garden plot, but that's OK, because it's delicious.
  3. Yellow/green squash. Perfect for stir-fries, or tossing with a little rotini in a bechamel sauce. Mmmm.
  4. Shelling peas. The peas are tiny and perfect, probably what Le Sueur petite peas look like before they can them and ruin them forever by immersing them in salted water and corporate evil.
  5. Cabbage. This, I have no idea what to do with. I welcome suggestions. I hate cole slaw. There may be a foray into Colcannon in my future.
  6. Arugula. I am going to be making some really good salads. Perhaps I'll bring salad for lunch every day, since I'm still obsessing over the whole 5 servings of fresh fruit/veg per day thing. And now I've just freaked myself out by finding this 5-9 a day site. Ugh. My total for today, so far, is only two: a banana and a plumcot (which are surprisingly tart and delicious). Looks like I'm having a salad at dinner, too.

Next week, I get to choose my own stuff instead of being left at the mercy of the farmer. I'm going to get pattypan squash, green snap beans, more peas, "summer crisp" lettuce, and a lemon basil plant (since I killed all of mine that I started from seed).

Oh, and check this out, it's a handy wallet-sized guide to the fruits and vegetables that have the highest concentration of pesticides, and the ones that have the least. Worry no more about buying that non-organic ear of corn or bunch of asparagus.

What are your favorite summer foods?


At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm... the squash sounds yummy.

I love squash and tomatoes and peaches. I am not sure if they are all summer foods, but I associate them all with summer. Yummmmmmm.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Tits McGee said...

The only way I can stand to eat cabbage is steamed with some butter and fresh herbs. As for the rest - YUM!

I've been gorging on native organic strawberries and spinach, myself.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Arabella said...

Oh, how delicious!

I hate regular coleslaw, too, but I am in love with VINEGAR slaws. They're fresh and crisp and summery and good. That's what I'd make with the cabbage. You can find a recipe here:

or here:

or here:

Or just search for "slaw" on allrecipes and sift through the results.

Now I'm really hungry.

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god. After almost a week of take out with another week at least in my future, you have me craving fresh veggies now.

I have an awsome recipe for an asian cabbage salad - not a slaw that I use as a side with grilled chicken or fish. Send me an e-mail if you want it.


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