Set your blenders to stun. I mean, puree.
Because I am one of those not-trusting-in-big-corporations types of people, when it came time to start feeding my kid solids, I knew I would, at the very least, attempt to make his food. Izzy is the one who pointed out the stupidity of Gerber manufacturing organic baby food and then packaging it in polycarbonate plastic (and I wrote them an aggrieved email asking them why, and they swear that the plastic they use is not polycarbonate. But isn't that what #7 plastic IS? I welcome your enlightenment, dear readers). There is always Earth's Best organic baby food - I trust them far more than, say, Beech Nut - but mah gawd, the expense! So I had to try to make my own. And it was a lot easier than you'd think.
Basically, if you want to do it without a book of recipes, you can just peel (you can leave summer squash, figs and other thin-skinned items unpeeled, if organic) whatever fruits and/or veggies you have around, cut them into a 1/2" dice, plop them in a pot and cover them with water. Then bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 20 minutes. Transfer the whole contents of the pot to the blender (being careful not to splash hot food on yourself), and puree, pushing the solid pieces to the bottom to ensure even texture. Then pour into sterilized, empty baby food jars (the dishwasher is hot enough to sterilize, or use your baby's bottle sterilizer), or use whatever sterilized glass jars you have, from jam, or salsa, or whatever. Leave to cool for maybe half an hour (so the glass doesn't break from the temp change of the fridge), pop into the refrigerator, and you're done. Seriously. That's it. If you can cook for yourself, you can cook for your baby.
If you want to get fancier, or need ideas for what foods go together best, there are two excellent books I recommend. The first is nice and simple, has a number of great recipes, and is available on Amazon (I got it through interlibrary loan, though, and so could you): Blender Baby Food by Nicole Young, who seems to be a blender aficionado (her other books are blender recipe books). Her measurements are precise and all the recipes I tried worked, quickly and easily.
The second one, I liked so much I bought it new: Cathe Olson's Simply Natural Baby Food.
The recipes are simple, yet unusual enough for a jaded toddler's interest, and she has wonderful information about making sure your baby gets the best nutrition possible, using ingredients like nutritional yeast and seaweed (although I had a hell of a time finding the many varieties of seaweed she suggests, even at my beloved H-Mart), and suggesting alternatives to salt, like Bragg's amino acids. I got the sense that Cather really knows her shit, and I really love her sidebars filled with tips and tricks. She gives equal time to vegetarian options, but doesn't make you feel like a villain if you choose to feed your baby protein in meat form. Cathe even has a blog, which is right up my alley with its information on BPA-lined formula cans and Monsanto-engineered GMO sugar (coming soon to a Kellogg's cereal near you!).
There are many, many other baby food cookbooks out there, and each has its own spin, usually written by a professional baby food cook who has her own business (who knew there was such a thing?). It's worth noting that virtually all of these promote the importance of organic produce for babies, since their little systems are tiny enough to be easily overloaded by the chemicals found on conventional produce. If you're interested in making your own food, why not get whatever cookbook is available at your local library and take the recipes for a test drive first? Making your own baby food might not be the right choice for you, but if it is, the sense of accomplishment is surprisingly great. Plus, you get to smile beatifically as you say, "Why, yes, I do make little Junior's food!" while you enjoy an inner smug moment. Or maybe that's just me ...
I bought Super Baby Food when Mimi was a baby, but I ended up being too lazy/busy/incompetent to actually make food for the girls. Heck, at this point they've been eating solids for years and they're lucky if they get a hot meal at supper. (I'm not exaggerating too much. OK, maybe a tad).
p.s., I'm weeding my baby books so if you're interested in Super Baby Food and want to send me your mailing address, it's all yours. Just drop me a line.
This is awesome. I've been wanting to make food for my babies, but I one or both of them has always screamed for me before I've successfully completed my search for the secondhand baby food cookbook I bought when I was tearfully trying to conceive and is now buried under a pile of crap somewhere. But your twenty-minute easyfest is right up my alley. I doubt I'll give up Earth's Best entirely, but it'll be nice to have some cash to feed myself, too, for a change.
Just out of curiosity, why don't you trust Beech-Nut? In the interests of full disclosure, I work for the company. I am partially responsible for developing new products. I have a four year old son and there is nothing we make here that I wouldn't feed to him now or when he was an infant. (Whether or not he'd want to try it is another story.) I'm not trying to change your mind or anything; I'm just interested in others' perspectives.
Best regards,
I will be brutally honest: Beech-Nut seems to me to be the low end baby food. There is no organic option, everything seems to be fruit-related or dessert-y, and I don't get a sense of, say, wholesomeness (to use some focus group-speak, if I may). For example, "beef and beef broth" is a stage 1 food for you guys. Beef? For a baby, with no teeth? Do children that age *need* beef (or chicken, turkey and VEAL, also available)? I'm thinking no. Also, "beef broth" as an ingredient doesn't tell me what's in the jar. Salt, one assumes. But there's no way for me to know, BECAUSE YOU DON'T TELL ME.
I will say, in your favor is your use of glass jars. That's getting to be a rarity.
If you want more feedback, I'm happy to give it. Just shoot me an email. teminy at yahoo dot com.
I tried making my own food, but since Myles eschews anything that is not pureed to death, I've had to go to manufactured baby food, and I do feel strange about the health and environmental impacts of using packaged food, even the glass Earth's Best jars. Sigh.
I skipped the whole mushed baby food craze with good results. We started with sliced avacado and broken up egg yolk (the whites are too complex of a protien to digest.) She gummed them up no problem. We also learned that picking up and aiming her food herself was good for her brain. Because I was (and still am) breastfeeding I could be very relaxed about how much she was willing to eat 'cause all necessary nutrients come from me!
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