Marian the ... desk clerk
So, the job I had blogged about a couple of weeks ago? I got it! So now I can tell you about it: it's at a library, so it's perfect for me, as I am a total book nerd. In fact, I've worked in publishing for the past ten years except for a one-year stint at an insurance company and a two-month stint at the Worst Job Ever. In high school, we were made to take a standardized career aptitude test, and my #1 career, according to the test, was librarian. Unfortunately, at that point in time, I was convinced I wanted to wear all black and be a designer, and that librarians wore tweed, sensible shoes, cat-eye glasses and their hair scraped back into severe buns. So I didn't listen to the siren song of the CAT test results (although I did take note, because I remembered reading somewhere that Morrissey had once dreamed of being a librarian. And I loooooooved Morrissey).
There are still some scheduling details to be worked out, as the job offered (I interviewed for two different available positions) is one that is more focused on weekday hours. My new boss has said that we can finesse the details of my schedule after I deliver, and my mother has offered to come and mind the Bun one day a week (or possibly more if needed, but I don't want to tire her out).
This week I do training a couple hours a day (for which I am being paid - yay!), and so far the only bummer is that I have to pony up for my own background checks that say I am not a sex offender, since I will have access to children through the children's library. It's only twenty clams, so whatever (and my email subscription to Family Watchdog has clued me in to the many, many sex offenders in my area, including one on my street. Have I mentioned that we're looking to move in the next year or so?). The nice thing is that although there is a lot to learn and memorize (who knew checking out books for patrons would be so complicated?), it's understood that such memorization will take time and practice, and I am viewed as already being ahead of the game because I've worked so extensively with books (and the charming public, although my special training with drunken louts culled from three years of retail experience on South Street probably won't need to be put to use. I hope.)
Probably the hardest part will be making through the entire day while wearing a bra and not eating every twenty minutes. Wish me luck.
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Hey, despite my visions of librarians with spectacles and buns and shawls (I had a middle school librarian with a shawl and ROCKING CHAIR IN THE SCHOOL, no lie), I went ahead and got my Masters in Library Science oh so many years ago.
My problem was that I ended up getting my library job in a science/research library. No good materials to browse. ;-)
And I bet you wouldn't be the only braless librarian in the place, should you choose to go that route.
Congrats on the job. It's awesome that they are willing to work with your delivery date and the timing seems perfect! I had to do the background check thing too when I started tutoring last fall. It's weird that you get a little nervous even though you've never done anything wrong.
I suck so much for not coming around lately. My new job is wearing me the hell out! I have no time for the intertubes!
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